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Leeds was the first city to develop a Maternity Stream in 2011. It hosted a Maternity Stream conference in 2015.

Our group meets to discuss best practice in maternity services in Leeds and ways to raise awareness of the needs of asylum seeking and refugee women.

If you would like to  find out more or attend a meeting, please contact

Useful Organisations in Leeds

Leeds Women’s Aid

Leeds Haamla Service

York Street Practice

Leeds Skyline


Antenatal/postnatal group for AS&R women in Leeds

Third sector resources in Leeds

Useful Resources from the Maternity Stream Conference 2015

Skyline Maternity Conference presentation (3)

The Haamla Service and Perinatal FGM services in Leeds

Rights and Entitlements to Healthcare for People Seeking Asylum MATERNITY CONFERENCE Leeds

The Pregnant Woman in the Global Context Model by Dr Mel Cooper

Who, how and what of the Maternity Stream

Mums are amazing! by Rose McCarthy 2015.pptx x 2